Yay! Today is Release Day for ROGUE GADDA by the amazingly talented
Nicole Murphy. You'll get to read an excerpt from her latest release, which did I mention this already?--it releases TODAY! How cool is that? And after you read this delightful snippet from her book and fall in love with it and have to get a copy for yourself--after all of that, please be sure to tell your friends about this book too. Because your friends really like to hear about great books.
So, for more Invasion of the Urban Fantasy Book Babes, just continue reading....
A young woman was slumped on a sofa, her red hair cascading over the pillows. Leaning over her was a tall creature, thickset with no discernible neck. The crophe had four eyes stretched across its wide, purple-skinned face. Its huge hands were extended toward the woman and it was pulling her power into itself.
Hampton held his hands up and sent out a stream of power, aiming to catch hold of the creature and pull it away from its victim. The moment his power touched it, however, the beast shimmered and then transferred.
Hampton swore and pulled his power into himself. He closed his eyes and focussed on the threads of essence the creature had left behind, a barely perceptible pathway to its destination. Then he followed.
He was in a dark alley, full of refuse. The smell hit him like a punch and he grimaced. He turned slowly, but the crophe was nowhere in sight. He walked around, trying to find its essence and failing. Its creator had obviously met it here and then shrouded them both before leaving.
He shook his head, then transferred back to the victim’s room. He knelt by the sofa and put a hand on the woman’s forehead. Her power had been completely drained.
This time, Hampton allowed himself to swear aloud.
He scooped her into his arms, pictured a white room with benches and coffee tables covered with magazines, and transferred.
He marched down the corridor, firing out mental messages. In seconds Madge Florrie, the head healer of Sclossin, popped out of a room. She looked at the woman and nodded. ‘In here.’
By the time Hampton lay her down, Madge had been joined by Sarah and Horatio Cormac, caelleach of the gadda..
Is that Bridget Kelly? What happened?’ the caelleach said.
‘Bridget was attacked by a conjured creature. A crophe.’
‘She’s been hurt?’
‘Power totally drained.’
Cormac frowned. ‘You took it back from the creature and returned it, didn’t you? Why is she still unconscious?’
Hampton clenched his teeth. ‘The monster disappeared before I could apprehend it.’
‘It escaped?’ Cormac’s face went red. ‘You let it go?’
Hampton knew what Cormac was thinking - what kind of Sabhamir would let a beast escape?
It was a question he was asking himself.