Feast: Harvest of Dreams received a lovely review by So I Read This Book.
Here are a few snippets from that review:
This is a typical urban fantasy cover but this is not an urban fantasy. Instead it's a lyrical, darkly magical tale that feels almost like a fairytale...Merrie Destefano has created a mythology that is fresh yet feels like some distant story you've heard long ago. There is a spooky quality to this book that is quite effective and the writing is evocative and at times, even lovely...
Destefano's Darklings are a bit creepy and, yet, enticing. I wouldn't call them sexy but there is something seductive about them all the same. They can change shape and wield magic plus they feed on the dreams of humans.
What makes this tale stand out is the tone. There is a dreamy quality to this story that the best fairytales often have...Feast is an eerie, enchanting tale that is also a quick read. It's a good book to snuggle up to on a crisp fall night.
And then I have some reviews of WAITING FOR MIDNIGHT, as well.

There's a very nice review of my ebook collection of short stories over at Mel's Random Reads.
Here's a snippet:
This is an intriguing collection of stories. There are some flash fictions which are very short but do tend to raise a question or two and leave you wondering. The longer stories though are more satisfying. My favourite is In The Garden which is a very different look at what happens in a garden and is a story I’ve been thinking about ever since. In fact I felt like that was a real strength of these stories – looking at something that was familiar but giving it a twist – like looking at the world in a mirror: everything is the same but reversed.
There are a couple of short stories set in the worlds Merrie has created in full length books which are interesting little insights into both world, but it’s not necessary to read the full length books to enjoy them. I was really intrigued by Letter For Home where in a short space of time Merrie has created an interesting science-fictional world in the vein of Blade Runner or the Culture novels and gave it some real emotional depth.
Merrie’s writing style is very lyrical and rich. It’s descriptive without labouring the point and full of detail. This anthology is a great sorbet between courses – refreshing, flavourful and palate cleaning!
Recommended for fans of Rachel Caine and Kelly Meding. 8 out of 10
And there was another cool review posted on Amazon by Becca. Here's a snippet of that one:
Waiting for Midnight by Merrie Destefano is my favorite collection of short stories that I've read. Each story was unique, was told well, and had a satisfying ending. The collection consists of six short stories, two stories told in three acts, and eight flash fiction stories.
"In the Garden" is probably my favorite story in Waiting for Midnight. It's told from an unusual point of view, but Merrie does an excellent job of getting the reader to identify with the main character. I was impressed with all the small details she thought of and the beauty and emotions she was able to evoke through her words. "In the Garden" explores life, death, and love from a new perspective, and it will really stick with you.
"Afterlife: Chasing Spring-Heeled Jack" is about Chaz from Merrie's book Afterlife: The Resurrection Chronicles. It takes place in a future world where people can download into new bodies when they die. The world is well developed, with its own slang, laws, and technology. Despite all the new concepts and terms, it's easy to follow what's happening and get sucked into this fascinating, dangerous world.
"Feast: Learning to Hunt" is about the character Ash from Merrie's book Feast: Harvest of Dreams. This story was another favorite of mine. I've found the Darklings from the book fascinating, so it was fun to be able to see more of their lives and how they work. In this story, Ash learns from his father how to hunt in seventeenth-century Amsterdam. The writing is beautiful and feels like the magic inherent in this story.
"Letters from Home" contains some of the most imaginative settings, characters, and situations in this collection. I loved all the unique ideas Merrie came up with for this story and she did a great job of describing everything and painting a clear picture in my mind. It's a touching story of how far a mother's love will go for her errant child.
"Waiting for Midnight" is a ghost story but not in the creepy sense. It has more of a wild, magical feel to it. It explores themes like passion and obsession and what comes of them. The imagery Merrie used in this story is lovely and vivid.
"Charlie Brown Doesn't Live Here Anymore" is the first of the stories told in three acts. It's a light-hearted, funny tale of a dog and a coyote shown from the animals' perspective.
Each of these stories is strong and draws the reader into its world and characters. They're filled with beauty, magic, and emotion, and they all feature relatable characters, intricate settings, and satisfying—or intriguing—endings. If you're looking for something that will immerse you in stories that capture your imagination, I recommend Waiting for Midnight.
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! :D
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for reading and reviewing! =)