Thursday, September 23, 2010

One more thing I would never do

I can't believe these guys kept driving. In the same direction, that is. I'd have turned around and gone the other way.


  1. I'm with you on that one. No way would I be doing that.

  2. Danielle,
    Yeah, I grew up in the Midwest and I've got my share of tornado horror stories. Suffice to say, I'd be driving so fast in the other direction that my car would be almost invisible. =)

  3. This is what to much testosterone and adrenalin will do to you .

  4. and that is why I would take a good old fashioned earth quake over this any day! lol

  5. Sharon,
    Exactly! Did you hear what the announcer on the radio was saying? The whole time these guys are driving RIGHT TOWARD THE TORNADO, she is warning people to stay away from it. Arrghh. If I was the mom of one of those boys, he would be in SO much trouble! =)

  6. I would have to go in the opposite direction. LOL I can't imagine going towards one.
